At Café Kalimpong,
while we ensure that you enjoy your favourites from the menu, a lot is going on behind the scenes. While we’re busy serving you the freshest food, our parents stand firmly behind us to ensure that we put only fresh and green ingredients on your plates.
In this ridge where we played, we were whole-heartedly nurtured by our local community with home-grown food and other essentials. Yes, farm to table is not a trend we’re waking up to-simple sustainable practices have always been a way of life for us! This wholesome lifestyle we grew up with, we wanted to share with the world. Therefore, most of the ingredients that we put on your plate are sourced directly from our own fields. Except for the salt of course! There is no salt mine in Kalimpong, but if there was we’d be ready with our salt pans too!
Farming has always been part of our family tradition which we still proudly practice. Growing up I remember running through the green fields of “Raya ko saag” (mustard greens) and getting a good scolding for trampling on them – At that tender age, our innocent ignorance gave way to learning the value of our farm produce and respecting nature. My brother and I particularly recall the harvesting of Ginger before Dasain with much fondness. We would be bubbling with excitement and hurry to weigh the harvest from our parents’ fields on the scales at the local grocery shop. Our anticipating eyes would calculate the weight of our harvest with the rising needle of the scales, and our hearts would skip a beat as the scale moved higher and higher! You see, our harvest would directly fund the upcoming Dasain expenses which included most importantly money for our new clothes & the proverbial 'Dingo' boots!
Farm life is as important now as it was then.
Our parents’ farm is not only responsible for the supply of most of our ingredients; the Café itself is built on its strong foundations and ideology. We still wake up every morning to our farm rooster cuck-o-doodling about his nightly trysts to the rising sun; the morning tea rich with creamy milk from the farm cow whose bellows fill the lazy afternoons with a calming presence follow after. The egg from our hens neatly fried crown our mandatory breakfast of “Bhuteko bhat”(also known as ‘Fried rice’ to the gen-Z bainis and bhais KIDDING!) prepared lovingly by our mother, Nima Lepcha. She is the embodiment of the simple philosophy of farm life where everything is fresh and genuine, inspiring us to believe in ourselves and strive keenly yet remain firmly grounded to our roots. We try to harness the same energy and Philosophy while running our café – with genuine love, simplicity & modesty served to you fresh off the farm. It is our way of life – it just so happens to also be the everyday life here at Café Kalimpong.
Praveen Chettri
Cofounder Café Kalimpong
farm fresh
Our Inspiration
Nima Lepcha -
She is the embodiment of the simple philosophy of farm life where everything is fresh and genuine, inspiring us to believe in ourselves and strive keenly yet remain firmly grounded to our roots. We try to harness the same energy and Philosophy while running our café – with genuine love, simplicity & modesty served to you fresh off the farm. It is our way of life – it just so happens to also be the everyday life here at Café Kalimpong.